Working to exhaustion?

Working to exhaustion?

Leadership, Personal Growth, Well-Being

Written by Tracey

February 8, 2023

In the past, I held corporate positions where the general, silent understanding was that taking vacation time was career sabotage.

There was external pressure, and there was the internal pressure I put on myself.

“Your life is your art. When you make tough choices in favour of your Soul, you’re making a masterpiece out of your existence.” ~ Danielle LaPorte

I had no idea how to get off the hamster wheel. I’d take a break when I’d devastated my well-being and then return to a massive mess.  Then repeat the cycle all over again.

I asked for support, and the response was to get more efficient. When I left, two people were hired to replace me. 

Over-giving or over-caring powered my hamster wheel.

What is powering yours?

On the day I quit, something I can’t explain happened physically, emotionally and spiritually.

In what I would describe as a zombie state, I got up from my desk, transferred my files to a co-worker and never, ever went back.

That experience taught me the difference between over-giving and generosity.

Today, companies are seeing the benefit of creating work environments that encourage balance and investment in all aspects of well-being, including Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Physical, and Financial.

Balance is a tricky word. It’s become the next thing to achieve. So don’t be seduced by seeking perfection or entertaining feelings of failing at it.

Balance isn’t a static state; you must define it for yourself, which will require you to address your faulty power source.

If you’re reading this and resonate with over-giving, you’ll be interested in this great article, “Are You an Over-Giver?”.

Check it out and let me know what you discover.  More importantly, what difference will knowing this make in your life? 

Collapsing over-giving with generosity is only one of many hamster wheel power sources. The journey to discovery and identification of your power source is a journey that will connect you to the essence of your existence.

Remember, your life is your art.

Healthy environments begin with full-hearted leaders who are deeply connected to all aspects of their well being, mind, body and soul.

Original post written: August 11, 2011


Written by Tracey

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