Finding Joy – Indrus Piche
Bombarded with information, people are more present to tragedy and the dire state of our planet. Despair and hopelessness becoming frequent visitors to our doors. This episode identifies ways of navigating these times with a true angel on earth, transpersonal psychologist, Indrus Piche.
Some are referring to this time in our world as The Great Resignation, The Great Adaptation.
Bombarded with information, people are more present to tragedy and the dire state of our planet. Despair and hopelessness becoming frequent visitors to our doors. This episode identifies ways of navigating these times.
Some points we touch on in this episode:
- Acceptance vs Embracing, redefining language;
- Balancing what comes into our fields and being mindful of saturation;
- Establishing one small act and taking it;
- Shifting our narrative, believing that the feeling of despair is short term;
- Listening to our deep inner knowing;
- Our capacity to help ourselves, to change things is bigger than we realize;
- Resilience when despair and hopelessness shows up;
- Making friends with mystery;
- Grounding in nature, music and finding “the thing” that supports us to shift states;
- Highly sensitive people, what we can learn from them;
- Exploring the work of Experimental Psychologist Steven Pinker;
- The impact of Frances Vaughan transpersonal pioneer.
A rich episode with a wise and wonderful angel on earth.
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