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Under the Clutter – Jason Dombrow

Everyone’s got stuff, some more than others. Listen as we dive underneath the clutter and explore some of the ways Jason has supported people to clear their lives physically and emotionally.


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A peek “under the clutter” with professional organizer and ontological wizard, Jason Dombrow. Come listen as we explore vulnerability, intimacy and relationships disguised as “stuff”. Jason shares his company motto that you just might want to adopt!

Fun Fact:  Jason was the one who first spotted the “coach” in me! And in the true loveable Jason way, was unrelenting until I finally reached out to the contact person that led to my official coach training in 2003.

Since our interview, Jason has written an uplifting children’s book about a child’s journey through grief based on his own story and featuring his delightful dog Disco!

Contact Jason ‭at 1 (760) 521-1646‬ (California)

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