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Extraordinary Life, Extraordinary Death – Linda Hunter

What an episode!!! Death is a natural and inevitable part of life, from the moment we are born we are both living and dying. What if we created a culture where we openly discussed death and grief so that we could prepare for our very best death, on our own terms where possible?

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What an episode!!! Death is a natural and inevitable part of life, from the moment we are born we are both living and dying. What if we created a culture where we openly discussed death and grief so that we could prepare for our very best death, on our own terms where possible? This interview touched and moved me, the conversation arriving at the perfect moment in my own life.

Some points we touch on in this episode:

  • Deathly Matters: A two-day online conference that brings together people and services to share resources, learn, and connect about death and dying;
  • Creating Intentional Community and Multi Generational Living;
  • Caring for and sharing with our Elders who are vital to our lives, bringing meaning, wisdom and grace;
  • Living your Best Life in preparation for your Best Death;
  • Death Doulas and more…

Linda was a delight to interview and it was remarkable to hear the radical and heartwarming changes she made in her own life as a result of ever expanding philosophy.

Join us for this conversation full of possibility and revelation as we explore how connected we are and that truly, “we’re all just walking each other home” – Ram Dass. 

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