Creative Conflict – Julia Menard Gordon White
A very cool discussion about the powerful and creative elements found in conflict with two generous beings who have spent a lifetime mediating through conflict. Join us as they share their inside experience and the incredible things they’ve discovered along the way.
A very cool discussion about the powerful and creative elements found in conflict with two generous beings who have spent a lifetime mediating through conflict. Join us as they share their inside experience and the incredible things they’ve discovered along the way.
- Self awareness and deep listening when we’re contracted, stressed and under fire;
- How to leveraging conflict and relate to it as a creative power;
- Dealing with emotional flooding;
- The fine line of fear and conflict;
- It’s transformational being in conflict if you’re open to it;
- Being mindful of the trauma and violence of conflict;
- The dark side of conflict;
- Balancing love and power.
Julia and Gordon are skillful and experienced in working with the dark side of conflict and all that it brings.
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