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Uncovering Listening Filters

We all have filters that we listen through that are shaped by our past experiences, learning, and circumstances. Move beyond these natural filters to engage with intent, curiosity, and empathy, fostering trust and collaboration while creating a culture where everyone feels heard and valued.

This course is for:
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Individuals
  • Teams
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Turn Your Ears Into Superpowers

Moving past your inherent listening filters will revolutionize your communication. By practicing intentional and empathetic listening, you’ll enhance your ability to connect deeply with others, foster a collaborative team environment, and make more informed decisions. This course goes beyond basic hearing; it dives into understanding unsaid emotions and needs, ensuring you respond with genuine empathy and presence. The skills you develop will not only improve your personal and professional relationships but also foster positive, inclusive culture.

Here's what's we cover in this course:

  • Understanding Listening Filters

    When we realize that we listen specifically "for" certain things in conversation, we can shift our relationships, our leadership and much more.

  • Breaking Free From Listening Filters

    The secret sauce to shifting our automatic ways of listening.

  • Practicing Active Listening

    6 key skills that will have you listening in a whole new way.

  • Resources and Extras

    When you sign up for this course you walk away with more than just the lessons you learned

    Cairn Challenges

    Integrate the learning by accepting our double dog dares.

    Frequently asked questions

    If you don't see your questions answered, please reach out!

    Email Me
    • What do you mean by listening filters?

      That’s a fair question! Here are some real-life examples of what I mean by listening filters:

      Filtering through Language and Jargon:

      During a technical meeting, a software engineer used specialized jargon that a new employee was not familiar with. As a result, they struggled to understand the explanations and missed crucial details about a project’s technical requirements.

      Filtering by Stereotyping

      A senior leader stereotyped a particular generation as being less tech-savvy and dismissed valuable insights from a younger team member about a new technology, underestimating their expertise. It wasn’t until a colleague expressed excitement about the tech that the senior leader realized what they’d missed.

      Filtering by Past Experiences

      Judy had an ongoing conflict with a particular team member. Every time the team member engaged with her she braced herself for conflict and heard their suggestions with skepticism and defensiveness, even although the input was constructive and relevant.

    • How will this course help me if my team is already performing well?

      This course will fine-tune your listening skills to uncover subtleties that can enhance even high-performing teams. By practicing these listening techniques, you’ll identify areas to foster continuous growth and innovation.

    • I’ve had issues with team members not feeling heard, will this course specifically address that?

      The course focuses on advanced listening strategies that ensures every team member feels valued. By learning to navigate listening filters and practice empathetic communication, you’ll enhance your ability to make each individual feel truly heard and understood.

    Hi, I’m Tracey!

    Your instructor and a self-identified adorable weirdo. My clients describe me as a “Doctor for the Soul,” which touches my heart deeply. It’s an incredible compliment that, in four powerful words, speaks to all of the things I aspire to be as a human, teacher, and coach.

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