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A unique and holistic approach to inner and outer well-being specifically for sensory sensitive, sensory perspective and neurodivergent folks diagnosed late in life or those who self-identify. Neuroaffirming, soul giving, unshaming, a meet-you-where-you-are kind of program designed by someone who is trauma-informed, highly trained and has lived experience – autistic me!

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Unmasking: A Holistic Journey to Well-Being

This program is near and dear to my heart. A unique and holistic approach to well-being specifically for autistic/neurodivergent individuals diagnosed later in life or who self-identify. I wrote the modules as I journeyed through my own autistic discovery and began unmasking.  Believe me, unmasking and unshaming your specific sensory, communication, emotional, physical and environmental needs is the key to living authentically and joyfully. Together we’ll rebuild your essential belief in yourself and explore the wonder of who you are through loving eyes. Understand your communication style, express your needs, preferences, and rights, set and maintain healthy boundaries and cultivate supportive and understanding relationships both personally and professionally. Thrive in diverse workplace environments by being exactly who you are and in touch with your purpose.

Here's what's we cover in this course:

  • This journey of ours

    In this module, a little about my own journey to prompt a guided, deep reflective dive of your own. Imagining a future integrating all the parts of you, even the hidden parts.

  • Autistic/Neurodivergent health

    Our autistic/neurodivergent health is as unique as we are. Unshame your specific sensory, communication, physical and emotional needs. Live authentically and joyfully.

  • Self discovery

    Rebuild your essential belief in yourself and explore the wonder of who you are through loving eyes.

  • Self advocacy

    Express your needs, preferences, and rights, leading to better personal outcomes and a stronger sense of control over your life.

  • Relationships

    Embrace your unique communication style, set and maintain healthy boundaries, cultivate supportive and understanding relationships both personally and professionally.

  • Career Coaching

    Thrive in diverse workplace environments being exactly as you are.

  • Frequently asked questions

    If you don't see your questions answered, please reach out!

    Email Me
    • How does the program address the unique sensory, communication, emotional, and environmental needs of neurodivergent individuals?

      I specifically designed this program with a holistic approach that recognizes and addresses the unique needs of neurodivergent individuals. Each module includes personalized strategies and exercises to help you understand and manage your sensory sensitivities, improve your communication skills, and process your emotions healthily. The program also provides practical tips for creating an environment that supports your well-being, both at home and in the workplace by focusing on unshaming these aspects of your life. I rely on process oriented psychology specifically somatic expression to introduce new ways of thinking.

    • Can you provide more details about the modules and activities included in the program?

      Each module has been designed with an ontological approach and focuses on different aspects of well-being and self-discovery that you may not have considered. Modules include interactive activities, reflective exercises, practical tips and techniques to manage sensory input, develop your unique communication style, navigate relationships, apply stress management practices and ways for you to express your needs and rights effectively.

    • What kind of support will be available to me during the program?

      You’ll have unlimited access to a variety of resources, including educational materials, practical tools, program updates and new research that ensures you have the guidance and encouragement needed to maintain and build upon the progress you’ve made during the program.

    • What if I'm not neurodivergent but told I'm overly sensitive? Will the program benefit me?

      First, ouch! For a very large portion of my life I heard, “you’re far too sensitive” over and over and over. I worked on myself with therapists, coaches, took every kind of personal development program going and… made small progress. And then, I self-identified that I was autistic and eventually was officially diagnosed by a psychologist. All the shame I’d felt at not being able to be different suddenly changed into understanding. There were some situations, because of how my brain was wired that were very difficult for me to manage. And my sense of justice was OFF THE CHARTS. I’m not saying you are autistic, I’m just saying that we need to be mindful of “overly sensitive” comments and pause before we internalize these comments. In my opinion, this planet NEEDS SENSORS, now more than ever.

      So long story short, yes, no matter who you are, you will benefit from taking this program.

    Hi, I’m Tracey!

    Your instructor and a self-identified adorable weirdo. My clients describe me as a “Doctor for the Soul,” which touches my heart deeply. It’s an incredible compliment that, in four powerful words, speaks to all of the things I aspire to be as a human, teacher, and coach.

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    Enrollment Opening Soon